Jean was adopted in Paraguay in 1987 when he was a few months old. He’s been living in the North of France since then. He’s been thinking since his adolescence to go back to his native country in order to look for his biological mother. Louise, his cousin, offers to go with him. After numerous doubts due to his fear that his mother might refuse to see him, Jean finally decides to go and look for her. Thirty years after his arrival in France, Jean and Louise fly to Asunción.
Réalisatrice, Scénariste : Louise Heem
Production, distribution : J’aime ce garçon
Assistante de réalisation : Salomé Bazin
Monteur : José Salazar
Images France : Sabrina Nehmar
Images Paraguay : Pascal Glauser
Son France : Pierre Caron
Son Paraguay : Sakyo Hiraiwa
Compositeur : Lionel Fabert, The Stormz
Monteur et mixeur son : Nassim El Mounabbih
Etalonneur : Nathan Ghali